Genome Trax™
A collection of manually curated genome feature data that can be mapped to your next generation sequences, allowing you to screen for variations with functional relevance.
Genome Trax™ enables you to identify human genome variations of functional significance by mapping your NGS data to known elements such as disease mutations and regulatory sites.
• Prioritize mutations from whole exome or whole genome sequencing
• Uncover the impact of your human variants on disease risk, gene regulation, and protein function.
• Remove biologically irrelevant mutations and reduce the amount of mutations you have to investigate
• Identify novel mutations not previously reported in the literature
• Understand gene regulation changes in your variants by mapping novel mutations to known or predicted regulatory sites
• Find disease genes, drug targets, and pathways linked to your variations
Key Features
• 4,400+ regulatory sites from TRANSFAC®
• 104,000+ disease linked mutations plus 10,000+ disease genes from HGMD® Professional
• 49,000+ COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) mutations
• 877,000+ ChIP-Seq fragments with best binding site predictions
• Disease biomarkers, drug targets, pathway memberships, and post-translational modifications from PROTEOME™
• Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms from dbSNP and Ensembl which overlap with promoter features and sites of regulation
• Additional genome features such as microsatellites, transcription start sites (TSSs), and CpG islands
• Supports loading of variants in tab-delimited, BED, UCSC, VCF, and Complete Genomics var file formats
• Offers both filtering and cross-comparison workflows
• Annotation tracks are fully compatible with UCSC Genome Browser, Galaxy, CLC Genomics Workbench, and ANNOVAR
Access Options
An online subscription provides access to the Genome Trax web interface. Online subscriptions are available at the single IP, concurrent user, and institution-wide level. All subscription levels require IP plus username/password authentication.
A download subscription provides access to all Genome Trax annotations in the form of .bed and .gff formatted files. In this way, the complete Genome Trax data can be integrated into your own, or 3rd party, NGS analysis pipelines or tools. However redistribution of, or public access to / display of, the data is not allowed without prior written consent. A download subscription does not provide access to the Genome Trax web interface.