TTGE time, temperature gradient gel electrophoresis system is based on the principle of DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis system, but it need not use chemical denaturant gradient. As a result, the operation is more simple, faster and easier to repeat. DNA is loaded on the sample of polyacrylamide gel which is containing urea. Temperature is elevated uniformly and step by step in the electrophoresis process to produce a linear temperature gradient. Denaturing environment consists of a uniform concentration of urea and time temperature gradient in the gel.
Migration behaviors of double-stranded DNA molecules are determined by their molecular size and charge in the general polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Only DNA fragments of different lengths can be distinguished. But TTGE time, temperature gradient gel electrophoresis is able to separate DNA fragments of the same length but different sequence. A specific DNA fragment has its own unique sequence composition, which determines its melting domain and melting behavior. DNA fragments of a few hundred base pairs generally have a few melting regions. There is a length of continuous base pairs in each region. When the temperature is gradually increased and reaches the temperature of the lowest melting region, a length of consecutive base pairs in this region melts. Then the temperature rise in turn to other melting regions.
Application Fields:
A main usage of TTGE time, temperature gradient gel electrophoresis system technology in microbial ecology is to analyze the composition of microbial community . This technology is widely used in various microbial ecosystems, including soil, activated sludge, human and animal intestines, hot springs , plant roots, oceans, freshwater lakes, reservoirs and so on. Most studies are about the diversity of the bacterial or archaeal community through amplifying their 16S rRNA genes. Some studies amplified fungal 18S rRNA gene, which studies diversity of fungal communities.
Technical parameters:
Temperature controller and heater allows the temperature increase slowly at 0.1 ° C / hr
No chemical gradients, electrophoresis time is shortened from 16 hours to 5-8 hours
According to reagents and protocols which have been proved to be effective you can immediately carry out experiments.
Chinese liquid crystal display, microcomputer intelligent control, with alarm devices to prevent over-voltage, over current, overload
System can monitor temperature, time and other information in real-time; power supply is automatically cut off when the cover is open.
High resolution, microprocessor-controlled temperature gradient, extremely strict linear.
Time saving, small temperature gradient plates and small gel, a small amount of gel solution.
Small amount of sample, 1 ~ 5mg DNA or RNA samples can get clear electrophoretic separation effect.
Electrophoresis conditions (such as temperature, time, etc.) are easy to control, which can guarantee the reproducibility of the electrophoresis and the repeatability of the results.
TTGE1102 Time temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
TTGE1104 Time temperature gradient gel electrophoresis