Creative Animodel has years of experience and conducted several kinds of toxicity studies successfully and contributed towards critical decision making in drug discovery of several pharma and biotech companies in USA, Europe and Aisa. We provide customers well designed toxicokinetic study involving several different strategies and depending on the scientific question to be answered.
• Safety Pharmacology/Safety Margin
• Human Plasma Limits
• Systemic Exposure Toxicokinetics
• Biological Fluid Concentration
• Tissue Analysis
Creative Animodel has collected more than 80 cases of human tumors. At present, 30 cases are growing as subcutaneous xenografts in nude mice, and others were retained as nitrogen frozen samples. Tumors types comprise: stomach, lung, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, skin, breast, brain, colon, prostate, sarcomas (bone), uterus, ovary and hematological models. Also, we have a full range of human tumor cell lines that have been validated in our in vivo efficacy studies or reported in literature. According to the requirements from clients and our experience, Creative Animodel can offer subcutaneous, orthotopic, metastatic, transgenic and chemo-induced models using these tumor samples and cell lines.