1. Calibration of concentration and preparation of suspension inoculation.
· Specimen from liquid medium: centrifuge the liquid specimen at 4000g for 15 minutes, then get the sediment, which is diluted with 0.5% sterile saline, and finally obtain mycobacterial suspension with turbidity of 1mg/ml.
· Specimen from solid medium: pick mycobacterial colonies, which are diluted with 0.5% sterile saline, then obtain mycobacterial suspension with turbidity of 1mg/ml.
· Suspension diluted to inoculation concentration: The suspension by turbidimetry is diluted with 0.5% sterile saline.
2. Inoculation : With inoculation concentration10 -2 mg/ml and 10-4 mg/ml ready, transfer 0.01ml with inoculating loop, then inoculate respectively to drug susceptibility medium and control medium
3. Culture: Tilt medium after inoculating and keep at 37°C to culture for 24-48h with cap loose, screw back the cap to culture for another 4 week; If mycobacteria grow well in the control tube, drug susceptibility can be reported, if no mycobacteria grows, repeat the test.
· Susceptibility: If there are mycobacteria growing in the control tube, drug susceptibility can be reported.
· Negative: Detection on negative control material.