The Autobio Triiodothyronine (T3) Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Kit is designed for the quantitative determination of total triiodothyronine concentration in human serum.
The human thyroid gland is a major component of the endocrine system. Thyroid hormones perform many important functions. They exert powerful and essential regulatory influences on growth, differentiation, cellular metabolism and general hormonal balance of the body, as well as on the maintenance of metabolic activities and the development of the skeletal and organ system.
The hormones thyroxine (T4) and 3, 5, 3' thiiodothyronine (T3) circulate in the bloodstream, mostly bound to the plasma protein, thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). The concentration of T3 is much less than that of T4, but its metabolic potency is much greater.
T3 determination is an important factor in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. Its measurement has uncovered a variant of hyperthyroidism in thyrotoxic patients with elevated T3 levels and normal T4 levels. An increase in T3 without an increase in T4 is frequently a forerunner of recurrent thyrotoxicosis in previously treated patients. The clinical significance of T3 is also evidentin patients in whom euthyroidism is attributable only to normal T3, although their T4 values are subnormal.
T3 determination is also useful in monitoring both patients under treatment for hyperthroidism and patients who have discontinued anti-thyroid drug therapy. It is especially valuable in distinguishing between euthyroid and hyperthyroid subjects.
In addition to hyperthyroidism, T3 levels are elevated in women who are pregnant, and in women receiving oral contraceptives or estrogen treatment, paralleling TBG increases in a manner analogous to T4 levels. Likewise, a reduction in TBG concentration decreases T3 concentration. These changes in the T3 level, however, are not a true reflection of thyroid status.