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HemiView Forest Canopy Image Analysis System
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HemiView Forest Canopy Image Analysis System
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    The HemiView canopy image analysis system provides the hardware and software needed to acquire and analyse hemispherical images of forest canopies.



    Image file types BMP, JPG, TIF, Photo CD.
    Lens distortion Can be specified as a polynomial relating zenith angle and radial distance.
    Direct light model Simple atmospheric transmission, with user defined settings.
    Diffuse light model Uniform or Standard overcast sky.
    Data output Excel compatible spreadsheet built-in.



    Sky Geometry Centroid, solid angle and pixel count for each sky sector.
    Gap Fraction Proportion of visible sky by sector.
    Leaf Area Index By sky sector or overall value.
    Solar Radiation Direct and diffuse, above and below the canopy, in energy or molar units.
    Site Factors Direct, indirect (diffuse), global.
    Time series and Sunflecks Visibility of the solar disc (penumbral effects) and solar irradiance on chosen days, sampled at user-defined intervals or summarised as a sunfleck sequence.
    Optional cosine correction For any orientation of intercepting surface.
    Overall values Most outputs can be tabulated by sky sector, or aggregated into a single overall whole sky or annual value.



    Interactive graphical alignment tool Precise registration of images with the hemispherical co-ordinate system. Compensates for magnetic declination.
    Responsive image classification Threshold intensity discriminates visible and obstructed pixels. The classified image view is updated in real-time.
    Multiple and split views on any image Classified and colour / grey scale views, or separate sections of a large image can be viewed side by side.
    Negative images Photographic negatives can be viewed and analysed as positives.
    User-defined number of diffuse sky regions Enables use of custom ranges of zenith and azimuth angle.
    Leaf Area of a Single Tree Excel spreadsheet provided with instructions for calculating single tree LAI using HemiView outputs.
    Analysis of partial images Unwanted parts of images can be ignored by the analysis.
    Configurable for site, lens, solar model User-defined site, lens and solar model characteristics can be applied to any image by selecting from a list.
    Pre-defined lens characteristics Lens equations are provided for current and previous lens types supplied by Delta-T Devices
    Results output to Excel compatible workbook Additional calculations can be performed using standard spreadsheet formulae. Alternatively, workbooks can be saved for further analysis using Excel. Results can be appended to existing workbooks.
    User-defined output configurations The user can define multiple custom output configurations which can be applied to different images.
    Channel science and technology has been dedicated to the teaching, scientific research and the sales, research and development of applied instruments in the fields of soil, plants, environment, hydrology, meteorology and animal physiology, ecology and environmental hydrology for many years.
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