Abbkine ExKine™ Mitochondrion Extraction Kit (Cultured Cells) enables rapid and crude isolation of of intact mitochondria from cultured mammalian cells. The kit offers two protocols for the separation of mitochondria from cytosolic components relying on differential centrifugation. First protocol utilizes a reagent-based method allowing multiple samples to be processed concurrently. The second protocol uses traditional Dounce homogenization and provides approximately two-fold more mitochondria.
The Mitochondrion Extraction Kit (Cultured Cells) contains Lysis Buffer A (5×), Lysis Buffer B, Lysis Buffer C and Storage Buffer.
The ExKine™ Abbkine Mitochondrion Extraction Kit, Cultured Cells, has below three features:
1. Isolate intact mitochondria from 20 million cells in less than 1 hour.
2. Process several samples simultaneously using the reagent-based method, or obtain highest possible yield with the Dounce homogenization method.
3. Isolated mitochondria is compatible with almost any downstream application.
More Cultured Cells Abbkine ExKine™ Mitochondrion Extraction Kit details, please click KTP4003.