Packing specification:
20 tests per box; 40 tests per box
Rapidly detecting M. Tuberculosis antibody (IgG) in human serum to aid in diagnosis of tuberculosis in clinic.
Working principle:
It lays an important basis for the kit to aid in diagnosis of TB by detecting serum M. tuberculosis antibody that the M. tuberculosis antibody level in healthy human sera is abnormaly higher than that in TB infected ones. The kit integrates the method of immunological determination with immunochoromatograhy in one test. After drops of serum sample are added to sample well of the cassette, the serum can be seen migrating upwards, at first combines with the colloid gold labelled with specific antigen, forming “antibody- antigen-colloid gold” complex, then the complex flows laterally and is finally captured by recombinant TB antigen protein coated on the test line (T Line ) of the nitrocellulous membrane,forming a red line, which is visible by naked eyes. The color shades depend upon M.tuberculosis antibody (IgG) concentration in the serum sample. Meanwhile, whether there is M tuberculosis antibody (IgG) in the sample, the colloid gold labelled with specific antigen once migrating through control line (C Line) will difinitely be captured by protein A coated on it, forming the other red line, and meaning that the kit works well.
Main components
Packing specification 20tests/box 40tests/box
1. Testing cassettes 20pcs 40pcs
2. Buffer 10ml×1bottle 10×2bottles
3. Instruction sheet 1pcs 1pcs
Elements for testing cassettes:
colloid gold labeled with TB antigen, NC membrane coated with TB antigen, absorbent paper, glass fiber, plastic film, BSA, tri-sodium citrate, sheep anti rabbit IgG, aluminum foil bags;
Elements for buffer:
distilled water, BSA, tris, sucrose, Na3N (0.1%)
Items necessary for the test but no provided with:
blood collecting tubes, pipette
Storage and period of validity:
12 months at room temperature (4~30°C) in a dry place.
Sample collection:
routinely collect blood from veins, test should be conducted immediately when serum is separated from the blood, try to avoid hemolysis or repeatedly thawing and freezing. Na3N is prohibited to use for sample preservation. Centrifugation or filtration is advisable before test is conducted while sediment or precipitate appears in the sample.
Operation procedures
1.Take one test cassette out, number the sample
2.Firstly add 30μl serum sample, then add 2~3 drops of buffer (50 ~100μl) to the sample well
3.Observe the result right after 15 minutes
Interpretation of test results
1.Positive: red appears on both C line and T line
2.Negative: red appears on C line only
3.Invalid: red appears on T line only or no color appears on either C line or T line.
Test limitation
1.Any wrong operation may lead to erroneous results, therefore ideal test should comply with the above procedures.
2.Positive or negative results only show the existence or inexistence of M. tuberculosis antibody (IgG) in the serum and can never be taken as an only index for the TB diagnosis. If necessary, the other methods such as smear or culture, referring to clinic symptoms are also adopted to make final diagnosis.
3.Test efficacy for other types of TB remains dim.
4.Test efficacy remains dim for whole blood, plasma and samples collected from other parts of the body, such as pleural fluid and ascites, cerebrospinal fluid.
1.put on gloves, gauze mask and protective cloth before conduct the test
2.the kit is for disposable use only
3.the kit is for in vitro use only not use when package is in damaged condition not use when kit expires not intermingle the components of kits of different batches not damp the test cassette before test operation
8.prevent foreign object or hand from touching NC membrane attention to preservative Na3N contained in the buffer, operate carefully lest buffer or serum spills, otherwise wash away the spilt fluid with 1% sodium hypochlorite or clear away with absorbent paper.
10.used and contaminated materials should be disinfected in autoclave under 121°C,0.15Mpa for 30 mins or immersed in 5% sodium hypochlorite for 40~60 minutes or incinerated prior being discarded.