ShineProbe is a 2X convenient premix reagent, specially designed for real time PCR by using various detection probes (eg. TaqMan, Molecular Beacon, etc.), but not suitable for sybr green.The master mix contains all reagents needed for qPCR. Only template ,Probe,and PCR primers need to be added by the user. The ROX dye is not provided, For most real-time instruments ROX passive reference dye is not required .This product combines the high performance of Taq, which is an enzyme for hot start PCR utilizing Taq antibody, with a newly developed buffer which provides superior specificity, increased amplification efficiency and high aptitude for high-speed real time PCR. Accordingly, a successful real time PCR is promised with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and accurate quantification. The reaction chemistry of ShineProbe qPCR Kit is applicable to most real-time PCR instruments, e.g. from Applied Biosystems, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Corbett Research, Roche,and Stratagene.
ZK00713 50 reactions X 50ul each Hotstart fluo-PCR mix (2 X conc.)
ZK00714 100 reactions X 50ul each Hotstart fluo-PCR mix (2 X conc.)
Shipping and Storage
The ShineProbe qPCR Kit is shipped in dry ice or ice bag. Upon arrival, store all kit components at -20°C. When using the 2x master mix, the leftover thawed mix can be refrozen and stored at -20°C without affecting the performance of the kit. The kit is stable for six months from the date of packaging when stored and handled properly.
Reaction Setup
Final conc.
Hotstart Fluo-PCR mix
1 X
Mix thoroughly
Sense primer(25pmol/ul)
Titrate from 0.3 to 1 µM if necessary.
Anti-sense primer(25pmol/ul)
Titrate from 0.3 to 1 µM if necessary.
ddH2O (ul)
Add water to fill up to the final reaction volum
Total Volume(ul)
Cycling Protocol
1.Protocol using LightCycler with Taqman probe
93°C 2min→93°C5 sec→60°C30 sec
2.Protocol using LightCycler with Molecular Beacon probe
93°C2min→93°C5 sec→60°C20 sec→72°C20 sec
3.Protocol using other instruments, e.g. from Applied Biosystems, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Corbett Research, ,and Stratagene. with Taqman probe
94°C 4min→94°C 30sec→60°C 60sec
4.Protocol using other instruments, e.g. from Applied Biosystems, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Corbett Research, ,and Stratagene. with Molecular Beacon probe
94°C 4min→94°C30sec→60°C 30sec→72°C30sec
ShineGene Bio-Technologies, Inc., located in Shanghai, P.R. China, is a bio-company specialized in providing bio- technical services including Gene Synthesis,Peptide Synthesis,Real Time PCR, Fluorogenic Probe Design,Fluorogenic Probe Label,HRP Enzyme Stabilizer,X-gal,IPTG,ProClin300etc. and supplying reagents such as Hotstart Taq polymerase, dNTPs, qPCR mastermix,one step qPCR kits,First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits,etc. ShineGene also undertake some OEM or OED orders as well as production task.ShineGene works at the cutting edge of development in PCR, quantitative real-time PCR, transposon and RNA technologies. ShineGenes mission is to provide new tools of excellent quality and extreme purity to the scientific community. Therefore research and development is a continuous process in our company.