The DNA damage response system ensures the genomic integrity of the cell. Abberation in the system have resulted in a number of human diseases ranging from autosomal recessive diseases to sporadic DNA damage processing diseases. Understanding such mechanism could be essential for building scientific models of cancer, and for developing new therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment and prevention.
What is RepairCHIP Platform?
The RepairCHIP is a cutting-edge technology for biomedical research. Developed as an experimental platform for Systems Biology, RepairCHIP allows researchers to investigate the mechanism of DNA damage response in the cell. An array of custom-designed software is provided to process and analyze microrray data from RepairCHIP. We have implemented a user-friendly interface so that molecular biologists with little training in bioinformatics are able to easily perform data normalization, identify differentially expressed genes, and explore potentially activated pathways from the measured gene expression profiles. Indeed, RepairCHIP is a Systems Biology platform for molecular biologists.
Who Can Benefit From Using RepairCHIP?
1. The biotech industry, RepairCHIP can assist finding pathway markers for various diseases.
2. The pharmaceutical industry, RepairCHIP can assist exploring the mechanism of drug resistance, alternative regulatory signaling events in cancer, and identfying targets for therapeutic strategies.
3. The academic biomedical research, RepairCHIP can be a powerful tool to study the mechanism of cellular response to various stimuli. One can study the signaling events associated with viral infection, radiation induced DNA damage, drug exposure, toxin and carcinogen exposure, and various types of cancer
Key features of RepairCHIP
The RepairCHIP has three main components: (1) RepairNET, a comprehensive cellular network associated with DNA damage response; (2) RepairCHIP, an oligonucleotide microarray that contains genes encoding the proteins of RepairNET; (3) RepairPATH, a computer algorithm for the exploration of potentially activated signaling pathways in response to DNA damages. RepairPATH integrates the knowledge of RepairNET with the measured gene expression data and identifies the activated signaling pathways by searching for groups of genes with correlated expression profiles.
1) System-based Chip Design: The content of RepairCHIP is comprehensively selected to include all cellular processes associated with DNA damage response.
2) Quantitative Evaluation of the Measured Gene Expressions: RepairCHIP contains six in-chip gene replicates. The reliability of gene expression measurements can be directly evaluated from the coefficient of variation (CV) of the gene expression levels.
3) Pathway Exploration: The comprehensive design of RepairCHIP reduces the dimension of hypothesis for data interpretation and pathway exploration. We offer online bioinformatic toolboxes designed for data processing and biological pathway exploration.
4) Accurate Background Estimations: Our specially designed on-chip negative control probes allow realistic estimation of the background signaling level, thus yield accurate signal readings for gene expressions.
5) Accurate Signal Measurements: The on-chip positive control probes allow for sophisticated experimental designs that produce data for accurate estimations of hybridization efficiency and normalization factor.
6) No Experimental Repeats: With in-chip replicates, gene expressions are inherently measured six times in every RepairCHIP experiment, thus saving considerable experimental costs.
7) Superb Quality: RepairCHIP is fabricated with the state-of-art equipment. Our quality control team checks every chip to eliminate potential manufacturing defects.
RepairCHIP is sold both as individual chips or as kits with accompanying solutions and reagents. We also offer complete service to perform microarray experiments using RepairCHIP, computational data analysis and pathway biomarker exploration from the gene expression profiles. RepairCHIP is available now.
SBC Expression Analysis Services:
FFPE Sample Service (excllusive in China)
Affymetrix Platform:Affymetrix Genechip Expression Analysis
Illumina platform: whole genome profiling with Sentrix Array Matrices/Focus Gene sets Profiling with Sentrix BeadChips
Agilent platform:Genome expression profiling/ genome-wide profiling of genomic aberrations using aCGH platform
ABI PlatformI:TaqMan assays for real-time PCR
SBC Pharmacogenomics Sercives:
Illumina Platform:Whole genome SNP genotyping with Infinium assay Focused SNP genotyping with custom or standard golden gate assay/ Methylation profiling with golden gate standard or custom assay
Affymetrix Platform:Whole genome SNP Genotyping with Affymetrix GeneChip/Focused SNP genotyping with Affymetrix GeneChip Application-Specific Fixed Assays/Roche AmpliChip? CYP450 Service
Beckman Platform:Beckman SNPsteam Service
ABI Platfrom: ABI Genotyping with ABI Taqman assay/ DNA Sequencing service with ABI 3730xl
SBC Central Laboratory Services:
Leading Central Laboratory Services provider in China. Key features includes:Advanced Project ,Management,IT support,Professional Logistics,Fully Owned Facilities.
Tissure Bank and TMA Services:
One of the largest Tissue Bank in China,Providing more than 10000 spicemans including most common cancers and nomal tissues
SBC RepairChip Service:
Innovative Systems Biological tools to facilitate drug discovery.
China Headquater
Shanghai Biochip Co., Ltd.(SBC)
No.151,Libing Rd.,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park,Pudong,Shanghai,201203
Fax:86-21-51320266 Tel 86-21-51320288