Through the RPCI BAC and PAC clone resource, Empire Genomics has access to the RPCI-11 human BAC library, RPCI-22, and -23 mouse BAC libraries in addition to all other RPCI libraries, representing a total of 9 model organisms. These genomic libraries are available for clone selection, characterization, mapping, and distribution to researchers across the globe. Since several of the clones have been sequenced, mapped by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and are included as validated elements on the EG BAC arrays, they have proven to be optimal tools for Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) and transgenic studies in mice.
To search for a BAC clone that covers your specific region of interest,
click here.
For our BAC Material Safety Data Sheet
Click Here.
Please begin by selecting the number of clones you would like to purchase. After you add this item to your cart, you will be prompted to download an excel template which will allow you to enter specific information about your clones. Please have the following information ready: