The 64 and 100 positions models (Catalog #11364 and #11300) utilize our classic water bath to maximize evaporation. These instruments are comprised of a rectangular gas distribution system mounted on a frame and dual post assembly. Like our N-EVAPs, the manifold delivers nitrogen gas to the needles or glass pipettes and onto the sample's surface resulting in rapid solvent evaporation. In order to conserve nitrogen gas, the manifold has toggle switches which allow individual rows to be shut off when evaporating batches at less than full capacity.
The manifold also serves as part of our dual band spring hoist assembly which permits effortless raising or lowering of the apparatus. A needle guide for the 64 and 100 Position MULTIVAPs is an available option. For your convenience, nitrogen gas flow is controlled by an adjustable flow meter. The samples are loaded into a stainless steel sample holder rack which sits submerged within a hot water bath. All Sample racks are customized for the users samples to maximize sample stability. Please specify sample size (outside diamter and length) when placing the an order. Baths are thermostatically controlled and will accurately maintain water temperature from 30°C to 70°C. All models can withstand contact with organic solvents. Acid resistant models are also available for corrosive solutions. Please feel free to contact us for any specific questions about these instruments.
- Rapid solvent evaporation
- Precise temperature control with water bath
- Gentle nitrogen blow down
- Effective sample concentration
Since 1959, Organomation has been a leading provider of analytical chemistry sample preparation solutions. The company has provided quality hand-built equipment and unparalleled levels of customer service since its inception. The foundation of the company stems from the first ever commercially successful nitrogen evaporator invented by founder, Dr. Neal McNiven. Organomation is well known for its lines of nitrogen evaporators, solvent evaporators and solvent extraction instruments. Throughout the years, Organomation has expanded upon its product lines while providing a superior laboratory product at affordable prices. Organomation is located at 266 River Road West, Berlin, MA 01503-1699 USA.