Disc Bowl Separator is a continuous type centrifuge rotating on a vertical axis and can be used for a 2-phase liquid/solid separation or a 3-phase liquid/liquid/solid separation(For example oil-water mixture with fine solids). Usually used when there are fines or soft solids approximately 1% -10% by volume. Separation takes place in the bowl assembly. A stack of discs assist with the sedimentation of the solids as well as splitting light and heavy phase of liquid. The solids collect at the peripheral of the bowl and are discharge either by a time trigger control or sensing device. The timed trigger is known as an intermittently or variable discharge of solids. When full solids capacity is reached a sensor/timer triggers for self-cleaning or automatic discharge to begin. The hydraulic pressure is released which allows the sliding piston in the bowl bottom to drop opening for solids to exit the bowl through the slots around the peripheral of the bowl body. The feed to the centrifuge is continuous and not interrupted. The liquid phases are forced upward and out through a centripetal, paring disc, or open discharge at the top of the bowl.
It is widely used in milk and dairy separation, desaponification & de-guming of vegetable oils, Olive oil, Cocnut oil, fish oil & shrimp oil process, clarificaton of fruit juice & wine & beer, Old Spirit Distillery, bio-pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, agricultural chemicals, machine oil refinery and recovery, Cutting and Grinding oils, waste water treatment, food products, solvents, precious metals.