Validated matrices: wheat, corn, barley, rye and oats, sorghum, millet and other grains, straw and chaff of grain crops, green legumes, dried legumes (grain legumes), soybeans, ground nuts, cotton seeds, flax seeds, mustard, rapeseed, rapeseed, sesame, sunflower and seeds of other oilseeds, unhusked rice, feed crops, nuts other than edible tree nuts, groundnuts and coconuts, raw cow's milk, pork, salted, in brine, smoked, dried (including freeze-dried), cattle meat, salted, in brine, smoked, dried (including freeze-drying), meat and other meat food by-products, salted, in brine, smoked, dried (including freeze-dried) (except for the meat of pigs and cattle); dry poultry meat, fine and coarse flour from meat and meat by-products, suitable for human consumption, dried fish, juices from fruits and vegetables, dried grapes (raisins), vegetable raw materials, plant waste and residues, by-products, oils and fats, milk (partially skimmed, whole) powdered, partially skimmed milk powder, from more than 1.5% to less than 26.0% fat content, whole milk powder, from 26.0% to 41.9% fat content, products of flour and cereal production, cereals, wholemeal flour and granules from grain crops, breakfast cereals and other cereal products, starches and starch products; sugar and sugar syrups, bakery products; flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries of non-durable storage, rustic products and cookies; long-lasting flour confectionery, cakes and pastries, pasta, couscous and similar flour products, beet pulp, bagasse and other by-products of sugar production, decaffeinated coffee and roasted coffee, milk porridges, ready-to-eat, for young children, dry milk porridges (restored to readiness at home by diluting with drinking water) for young children, juices, nectars, juice-containing vegetable and fruit drinks for baby food, vegetable and fruit juices for baby food, vegetable and fruit nectars for baby food, drinks containing juice, vegetables and fruits for baby food, canned baby food on fruit and fruit and vegetable basis; fruit juice and fruit and vegetable products for baby food, homogenized canned food based on fruits and fruits and vegetables for baby food, canned fruit and fruit and vegetable bases, pureed for baby food, fruit and fruit-vegetable juices for baby food, juice-containing fruit and fruit-vegetable drinks for baby food, fruit and fruit-vegetable nectars for baby food, fruit drinks for baby food, canned baby food on fruit and fruit and vegetable basis; Other fruit juice and fruit and vegetable products for baby food, cereal-based baby food products, culinary meat products, meat-containing products and products made from meat and poultry by-products for baby food, culinary meat products for baby food, culinary products containing meat for baby food, culinary products from meat and poultry by-products for baby food, canned meat and vegetable products using poultry for baby food, canned vegetable and meat products using poultry for baby food, bakery products for baby food, confectionery products for baby food, cookies for baby food, other confectionery products for baby food, ready-made feed for farm animals, distilled and rectified alcoholic drinks, grape wines, including those made from fresh grapes; grape must, beer, malt.