WMicrotracker SMART system’s functionality is based on the acquisition of a sequence of infrared imaging pictures (1 per second) and subsequent real-time processing. Depending on the configuration, it has the ability to work in two different modes: Infrared images, plate upside down: This arrangement allows for tracking the path of multiple adult C. elegans (or worms of similar size) using NGM-type solid medium cultures. The method is based on an optical phenomenon of Silhouette Amplification by Infrared Refraction. Infrared light waves refract at the worm-agar interface, generating an amplified image that is captured by a sensitive optical/HD camera system. The digital processing of the image is carried out using software specially designed for real-time data acquisition. Infrared microbeam grid, with the plate face-up: This mode allows for the quantification of the behavior of multiple organisms larger than 0.1 mm using solid, liquid, or air cultures. It also enables the definition of the activity area on the plate for use in chemotaxis experiments. This patented method is based on detecting movement through the scattering of light caused by a grid of infrared microbeams.
With a specialized research platform based on C. elegans, CD BioSciences offers high-quality services to meet your needs, ranging from gene editing to drug discovery.