Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) testing is also called hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) testing and hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) testing. The Hydrogen embrittlement testing is a test to evaluate the cracking of steel in the wet hydrogen sulfide environment due to the absorption of hydrogen due to material corrosion. There are three main required aspects that promote failure due to hydrogen embrittlement:
A susceptible material, typcially a high strength metallic alloy
Exposure to an environment that contains hydrogen and promotes formation of atomic hydrogen. This can be permanent (sour gas environment, hydrogen proplled industry cycles) or non-permanent (galvanic coating)
The presence of internal tensile stresses due to residual and/or applied stresses
T,C&A Lab's Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE) testing determines the performance of materials in a corrosive environment under the influence of the tensile stress by evaluating the material's ductility as a result of hydrogen absorption according to ASTM standards.
Learn more at https://tcalab.alfa-chemistry.com/material-testing/hydrogen-embrittlement-testing.html