With the grand success of Pharmacovigilance Series of Conferences in UK, USA in consecutive years over the last several years which met with great achievement in Business Conferencing. It’s glad to announce 13th Global Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety Summit during March 28-29, 2019 Osaka, Japan with the theme “Explore the emerging tools for process automation in pharmacovigilance”. This is a 2 day Mega Event offering Exhibition, at venue to showcase the new and emerging technologies with Keynote presentation, Oral, YRF (Student Presentation), poster, e-poster Presentations.
We are glad to inform you that the Speaker/Delegate/Exhibitor opportunities are available at the conference. Please visit the following link, to know more about the scientific sessions and abstracts submission, PS: https://globalpharmacovigilance.pharmaceuticalconferences.com/ .If want to attend as Delegate, kindly register to the conference. For any queries , mail us at globalpharmococvigilance2019@gmail.com