As an experienced service provider in molecular discovery and research, Profacgen offers high-quality Caco-2 permeability assay to predict human intestinal permeability and to investigate drug efflux. Our Caco-2 cell monolayer permeability assay is easy to perform and requires only a small quantity of compounds for the entire experiment. During the experiment, the solution of the test compound is placed on either the apical or basolateral side of the monolayer, and after a certain period (e.g., 2 hours) of incubation, the concentration of the compound and its transport rate are measured by LC-MS or LC-MS-MS, assesses the permeability of a compound on the apical side (apical to basolateral (AP-BL)) and basolateral side (basolateral to apical (BL-AP)), and identifies whether a compound undergoing active transport/efflux. Use buffers that do not contain HEPES to minimize the inhibition effect of uptake transporters. In addition, our platform also meets the needs of customers for high-throughput experiments, and provides 24-well or 96-well cell culture plates for Caco-2 parallel culture and testing of cell monolayers.