The superoxide indicator dihydroethidium, also called hydroethidine, is the reduction form of commonly used DNA dye-ethidium bromide. It can be used to detect the inside living cells oxidation activity and detect phagocytes outbreak of "breathing". It exhibits blue-fluorescence in the cytosol until oxidized, where it intercalates within the cell's DNA, staining its nucleus a bright fluorescent red.
Dihydroethidium (Hydroethidine) is white solid or light brown solid, and with molecular weight is 315. Abbkine supplies below price/size for your choice: $45/5 mg, $336/50 mg.
The Dihydroethidium (DHE) has below features:
• It exhibits blue-fluorescence (λEx/λEm:355/420nm) in the cytosol.
• It intercalates within the cell's DNA, staining its nucleus a bright fluorescent red (λEx/λEm: 518/605nm).
• In cells, hydroethidine is mainly oxidated by ROS, using flow cytometry instrument or fluorescence microscope can be directly observed, which is a kind of quick and easy classic method to detect ROS in tissue or living cells.
More detailed information of Dihydroethidium (Hydroethidine) at .