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Secure, Traceable Sample Storage Tubes
hits:794     Date:09/11/24

The FluidX™ Tri-Coded Sample Tubes from Azenta Life Sciences are designed to safeguard the integrity of your samples and provide a lifelong secure chain of custody for samples in compound libraries, biobanks, and other cryogenic storage facilities.
The external thread design of this tube range is not only highly secure, and cannot be overtightened, but also offers significant benefits over internal thread caps including a higher working volume.

a selection of different FluidX external thread Tri-coded storage tubes (courtesy: Azenta Life Sciences)
Benefiting from proprietary tri-coding technology, these externally threaded sample tubes offer greater sample audit traceability, enabling sample tracking and data sharing between multiple users, labs, locations, and automation capabilities. Permanently laser etched 2D code on base plus 1D linear barcode and human readable number on the side, ensures a permanent link between sample and data. Moreover, the high contrast 2D codes are readable without removing tubes from rack even in frost or condensation prone conditions. To assist management and tracking in modern high-density storage applications, these tubes are compatible with semi-automated or fully automated workflows on integrated platforms.
Manufactured from USP Class VI virgin polypropylene resin in a class 8 cleanroom facility, these storage tubes will protect your precious samples from contaminates. Every batch of FluidX external thread tri-coded storage tubes is rigorously tested to have no detectable extractables or leachables and are free of endotoxin, DNA/RNA, and heavy metals.
Designed and developed with broad compatibility in mind, these storage tubes perform without compromise in conjunction with automated code reading, capping, and sample management systems from Azenta Life Sciences and all other industry-recognized manufacturers.
To request a free trial sample pack of FluidX Sample Storage Tubes please visit https://www.azenta.com/support/sample-request/sample-tube-pack-request. For further information on these storage tubes please visit https://www.azenta.com/fluidx-tri-coded-sample-tubes
Azenta, Inc. is a leading provider of life sciences solutions worldwide, enabling impactful breakthroughs and therapies to market faster. Azenta provides a full suite of reliable cold-chain sample management solutions and multiomics services across areas such as drug development, clinical research and advanced cell therapies for the industry's top pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and healthcare institutions globally. Our global team delivers and supports these products and services through our industry-leading brands, including GENEWIZ, FluidX, Ziath, 4titude, Limfinity, Freezer Pro, Barkey, and B Medical Systems. Azenta is headquartered in Burlington, MA, with operations in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit www.azenta.com.


AZENTA Life Sciences 
Consumables & Instruments Group
22 Gilchrist Road
Northbank Industrial Estate
Manchester M44 5AY
Tel: +44 -161-777-2098 
Web http://www.azenta.com   
AZENTA Life Sciences
Tel:+44 -161-777-2098
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