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Convenient RFID Tagging Technology for Cryogenic Labware.

Hits:534   Date: 2/27/2024
Azenta Life Sciences announce the Ziath RITrack "CTag Pack" - a handy way of buying RFID tags to fit and track existing labware used in cryogenic storage facilities.

The patent pending RITrack technology allows the identity and location of up to 96 individual coded tubes in a rack to be stored using RFID / NFC technology. The tag, or chip, stores this information securely even when in vapour phase liquid nitrogen and has been shown to eliminate data loss even after 10,000 freeze / thaw cycles.


Comprising an easy-to-use tool for inserting the RITrack tags into SBS format racks plus 12 RITrack tags, the "CTag Pack" provides an affordable and easy method for converting existing labware to work with the RITrack rack reader.

Using RITrack tags to read cryogenic racks is now as simple as opening your freezer and withdrawing a rack, then offering it up to your smart phone equipped with the RITrack App to see all the available tubes in that rack. This exciting technological advance eliminates the need to bring cold racks back to the lab for reading.


To start enjoying the benefits of secure ice-free data readback from your stored samples, and learn more about the RITrack Mirage rack reader, please visit Azenta Life Sciences at https://www.azenta.com/ziath-tube-rack-barcode-reading-systems

Azenta, Inc. (Nasdaq: AZTA) is a leading provider of life sciences solutions worldwide, enabling impactful breakthroughs and therapies to market faster. Azenta provides a full suite of reliable cold-chain sample management solutions and multiomics services across areas such as drug development, clinical research and advanced cell therapies for the industry's top pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and healthcare institutions globally. Our global team delivers and supports these products and services through our industry-leading brands, including GENEWIZ, FluidX, Ziath, 4titude, Limfinity, Freezer Pro, Barkey, and B Medical Systems. Azenta is headquartered in Burlington, MA, with operations in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit www.azenta.com.    



AZENTA Life Sciences 
Consumables & Instruments Group
22 Gilchrist Road
Northbank Industrial Estate
Manchester M44 5AY
Tel: +44 -161-777-2098 
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AZENTA Life Sciences
Tel:+44 -161-777-2098