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BioChromato Inc: Safe & Efficient Concentration of Low Volume Samples

Hits:743   Date: 10/9/2020
BioChromato Inc. reports how the Department of Bioimaging Information Analysis at Gunma University (Japan) is benefiting from the ability of its Smart Evaporator C1 to safely and efficiently concentrate low volume samples.

The Department of Bioimaging Information Analysis, Gunma University has been using PET (Positron Emission Tomography) to assist its pioneering use of bioimaging techniques to develop in vivo verification methods for radioisotope labelled candidate pharmaceutical compounds. 


Dr Hirofumi Hanaoka, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioimaging Information Analysis commented "My group is working to develop novel radioisotope labeled drugs for diagnosis, as well as for treatment. After preparing our RI-labelled compounds using HPLC, samples are concentrated in order to remove the organic solvent. After this, evaluation tests are carried out by administering the product to mice. Historically to do this we used rotary evaporators or nitrogen blowdown methods, but because the concentration volume was very small we always had to transfer samples from glass tubes to other containers in order to concentrate. To improve this time consuming process we purchased a Smart Evaporator from BioChromato. Now sample transfers have become unnecessary and the risk of losing sample in this process has been eliminated. Using our Smart Evaporator - concentration can be done in any container, we can evaporate the sample in the containers that we use down to 200 microlitres then directly inject into mice with a syringe. This process can now be finished in about 2 hours, and we can plan to complete concentration by the end of our lunch break, which has made things much easier". 

Drawing upon BioChromato’s patented spiral plug evaporation technology, the compact, benchtop Smart Evaporator C1 offers fast and effective evaporation in tubes or vials without solvent bumping thereby eliminating risk of sample loss, cross contamination and saving researchers time. Proven to be the ideal lab tool for simple removal of most solvents, the C1 also excels at safe drying temperature sensitive compounds and efficient evaporation of small volume samples.

To read the interview with Dr Hanaoka in full please visit https://www.bicr.biz/voice/smart-evaporator-vol-27. For further information on the Smart Evaporator C1 please visit https://biochromato.com/smart-evaporator/ or contact BioChromato Inc. on +81-466-23-8382 / europe@bicr.co.jp / northamerica@bicr.co.jp and enquiries@bicr.co.jp.  

Founded in 1983, BioChromato Inc is a respected Japanese manufacturer of unique high-quality products for chemical laboratories. Through its team of experienced technical experts and network of specialist distributors - BioChromato's aim is to enhance the efficiency of research and development through its development of problem-solving laboratory instruments and consumables.


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BioChromato Inc.