BioChromato Inc: Comparison of Seals and Silicone Mats for Maintaining Integrity of Drug Samples
Hits:848 Date: 9/16/2020
BioChromato Inc. reports that the pharmacokinetics department at a leading Japanese pharmaceutical company has found that RAPID Slit Seals offer significant benefits compared to conventional silicone mats for maintaining the integrity of microplate samples.
In their drive to identify new drug entities the pharmacokinetics department employ a mass spectrometer served by an autosampler handling biological samples prepared in 96-well microplates. Traditionally the department used silicone mats to maintain the integrity of their microplate samples. While this approach worked well - it was expensive and the silcone plate seals had to be carefully washed before reuse as contamination from the biological samples handled was a concern.
RAPID Slit Seal close-up image
Switching to disposible RAPID Slit Seals from BioChromato the pharmacokinetics department has eliminated the previous biological contamination problem and significantly reduced the cost per analysis.
In addition, the pharmaceutical company found that the autosampler injection hole in the disposible plate seals rapidly closes after each injection, making it an ideal closure for samples that might be selected for further analysis. Even with samples stored for several days in volatile solvents, such as acetonitrile, the RAPID Slit Seals were found to minimise solvent loss through evaporation ensuring sample integrity and the validity of repeat analyses.
High integrity microplate sealing
Proven in labs worldwide, RAPID Slit Seal is a proprietary self-closing microplate seal that returns to its original state even when punched with an HPLC or LC/MS autosampler. As a result, loss of volatile solvents from your valuable samples is minimised.
For further information on RAPID Slit Seals please visit or contact BioChromato Inc. on +81-466-23-8382 / / /
Founded in 1983, BioChromato Inc is a respected Japanese manufacturer of unique high-quality products for chemical laboratories. Through its team of experienced technical experts and network of specialist distributors - BioChromato's aim is to enhance the efficiency of research and development through its development of problem-solving laboratory instruments and consumables.