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Health Protection Agency, UK Certifies Esco Cabinets to EN12469

Hits:3061   Date: 8/29/2008
Extensive certification of the Esco range of microbiological safety cabinets has been undertaken by the Biosafety Unit of the Health Protection Agency Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Porton Down, UK. These cabinets have all been certified to the current European Standard EN 12469:2000, and found to meet the required performance criteria.

Esco Models: AC2-3E1, AC2-4E1, AC2-4L1, AC2-6E1, LA2-3A1, LA2-4A1, LA2-4L1, LA2-6A1, LP2-4D1, LP2-4S1, LP2-6S1, CYT-4A1, SC2-4A1

The Health Protection Agency, UK is a national organisation which is dedicated to protecting people's health and reducing the impact of infectious diseases, chemicals, poisons and radiation hazards. The Agency has been at the forefront of containment technology for over 50 years with laboratories handling the full range of pathogenic agents safely at containment levels 2, 3, and 4. This history of specialist work, handling the most hazardous of biological agents, has ensured the Agency's close involvement in the development of containment technologies, including biological safety cabinets.

The Agency is the only UK organization and one of 4 in Europe which currently can undertake full performance certification of cabinets to EN12469:2000. The Agency and its forerunners at Porton Down have been independently certifying safety cabinets to the British Standard since 1979 and to the European Standard since it was adopted in 2000.

Download an updated list of Esco cabinets which have been certified to EN12469:2000 by the Health Protection Agency here: