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BIO-Europe Spring(R)2018 attracts 2,500 life science executives

Hits:801   Date: 3/20/2018
Amsterdam welcomed 2,500 life science executives for productive partnering
last week at BIO-Europe Spring(R)2018
Carlsbad, CA and Amsterdam, The Netherlands - March 19, 2018: The twelfth annual BIO-Europe Spring(R)international partnering conference wrapped up in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, last week with 2,500 attendees from the life sciences who engaged in 14,500 one-to-one partnering meetings vying for 3,609 licensing opportunities on offer. The event welcomed 1,426 companies overall, including over 250 delegates from Holland.
The event was produced by EBD Group in conjunction with our national partner, Health~Holland, representing the Dutch Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, and supported by HollandBIO and the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA).
"We are very pleased at the success of BIO-Europe Spring in Amsterdam in facilitating valuable deals among biotech, pharma and investment executives toward the development of therapies and cures," said Anna Chrisman, Managing Director of EBD Group and KNect365 Life Sciences. "We look forward to another great event in Vienna in 2019."
BIO-Europe Spring is the most significant industry event of the new year where top life science executives come together to access hundreds of potential partners to make their companies' collaborative goals a reality.
Hans Schikan, Chairman a.i. of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health said, "We were most pleased to welcome BIO-Europe Spring 2018 to the Netherlands. Hosting this important partnering conference in Amsterdam not only reflects our leading position, it will gain momentum for further growth too."

The event program highlighted cross-border partnerships, the favorable biotech climate in China, the growing importance of patient engagement and alternative financing, advances in immuno-oncology, vaccines, and neurodegeneration therapies, as well as full afternoon sessions on cell and gene therapy developments and a host of innovative biotech startup presentations. Look for detailed coverage soon on Partnering Insight.
BIO-Europe Spring 2019 will be held in Vienna, Austria, March 25-27, 2019, and is hosted by LISAvienna. This is a joint life science platform operated by the Vienna Business Agency and Austria Wirtschaftsservice on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the City of Vienna.
"We are very excited to be working with EBD Group to bring their springtime flagship event to Vienna," said Eva Czernohorszky, the Vienna Business Agency's representative at LISAvienna. "Vienna is a great place for top-notch international events and has a diverse biotech ecosystem. We offer 360 support for innovative startups."
"Austria is a life science hub due to excellent research, more than 800 life science companies and a perfect central European location. We are particularly strong in eHealth, immunology, industrial biotech, medical imaging and oncology," said Johannes Sarx, the Austria Wirtschaftsservice's representative at LISAvienna.
For continuing news coverage about BIO-Europe Spring, including video interviews and articles on life science dealmaking, go to Partnering Insight or follow the conference hashtag #BIOEuropeSpring on Twitter.
About EBD Group
EBD Group's overriding mission is to help collaborations get started across the life science value chain. Our range of partnering conferences has grown to become the largest and most productive conference platform in the industry. Each one of our six landmark events held in key life science markets around the world is powered by our state-of-the-art partnering software, partneringONE(R), that enables delegates to efficiently identify and engage with new opportunities via one-to-one meetings.

Today these events annually attract more than 12,000 senior life science executives who engage in over 48,000 one-to-one partnering meetings. These vital one-to-one engagements are the wellspring of deals that drive innovation in our industry. Our annual events are: BIO-Europe(R)BIO-Europe Spring(R)ChinaBio(R) Partnering ForumBioEquity EuropeBioPharma America(TM), and Biotech Showcase(TM).

Tune into EBD Group's Partnering Insight for timely coverage of news that influences the business strategies of the life science industry. For more information please visit ebdgroup.com.