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Esco gives you better choices: Thermal Cycler and Real Time Thermal Cycler

Hits:2276   Date: 8/8/2014

Esco offers a choice of Conventional Thermal Cycler and Real Time Thermal Cycler models

Billions of copies of a DNA sequence has been created
Esco offers a choice of Conventional Thermal Cycler and Real Time Thermal Cycler models designed to meet critical requirements for all kinds of PCR processes, such as, Gradient PCR, Touch down PCR, High throughput PCR, in situ PCR and so on, using a variety of PCR tubes, strips, plates and slides. The Swift thermal cyclers use state of the art Peltier temperature control technology to achieve and maintain precise control and fast ramp rates with minimal over or under-shoot for process speed and accuracy.
Guide lines to set up PCR lab to avoid cross contamination 
Author: Owais Yaqub
The most common contamination in the PCR laboratory is its own previously generated AMPLICONS and it is the potential source of invalid PCR results. A laboratory performing PCR analyses should be divided into at least three physically separate rooms which are as follows:
  • The Reagent preparation 
  • RoomSample preparation 
  • RoomAmplification Room