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Albumedix Submits Drug Master Files for its Products in Japan

Hits:597   Date: 1/26/2021
Nottingham, UK – January 25th, 2021 – Life Science Newswire – Albumedix Ltd. (‘Albumedix’), the world leader in recombinant human albumin (rHA), announced the submission of Drug Master Files (DMFs) to the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency (PMDA) in Japan. 

Albumedix has submitted DMFs for two of their products in order to further support customers in Japan. The DMF system allows manufacturers, such as Albumedix, to submit detailed confidential manufacturing, chemistry and controls information of their product to PMDA to provide assurance to the regulator that the product is safe, effective and of an appropriate quality for customers to use in their final products. The registered information is necessary for inclusion in applications for pharmaceutical products in which Albumedix products are used. 


With these DMF submissions, alongside the enhanced regulatory customer support that Albumedix is able to offer customers, the review process for the customers’ end product is made considerably less onerous and assures both the customer and regulators that Albumedix can provide robust and comprehensive documentation, helping customers to alleviate the regulatory burden of product development.

As a non-Japanese company, Albumedix are also required to apply to be accredited by the regulator as approved foreign manufacturers, a process which has also been progressing ahead of the DMF submissions. 

Commenting on the DMF submissions in Japan, Albumedix Director of Global Regulatory Affairs Harriet Edwards says, "These submissions are a continuation of Albumedix strategy and ethos; we are dedicated to supporting our customers in all aspects of their product development and beyond when using our products in order to become the partner of choice for advanced therapies worldwide. We are extremely happy to add to the support we currently provide our customers in Japan and believe the submissions further confirm our intent to fully serve the Japanese market. This is a market we have had a presence in for many years and which is currently expanding, especially due to the advance of cell and gene therapies in this territory. The submission of the DMFs in Japan allows Albumedix to provide an enhanced level of regulatory support to these customers as well as an increased assurance of our product safety and quality, particularly for those in clinical development and heading towards commercialisation" 

Albumedix has already full DMF´s submitted in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and China. 

Get in touch with Albumedix today by emailing communications@albumeidx.com to learn more about their Recombumin® range of world leading recombinant human albumin products. Alternatively, visit the Albumedix website
About Albumedix – Dedicated to Better Health
Albumedix is a science-driven, life-science company focused on enabling the creation of superior biopharmaceuticals utilizing our recombinant human albumin products. We believe in empowering excellence to enable advanced therapies and facilitate otherwise unstable drug candidates reach patients worldwide. We are proud to be recognized as the world leader in recombinant human albumin with products and technologies used in clinical and marketed drugs by pharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Headquartered in Nottingham, England with more than 100 people all committed to improving patient quality of life. We are just as passionate about albumin and albumin-enabled therapies today as we were when we started more than 35 years ago.
Albumedix Ltd.
Tel:+44 115 9553379