The Autobio anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) test kit is intended for the quantitative determination of anti-TPO concentration in human serum.
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase have been shown to be characteristically present from patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (95%), idiopathic myedema (90%) and Graves Disease (80%). In fact 72% of patients positive for anti-TPO exhibit some degree of thyroid dysfunction. This has led to the clinical measurement becoming a valuable tool in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction. Measurements of antibodies to TPO have been done, in the past, by Passive Hemaglutination (PHA). However, PHA tests do not have the sensitivity of enzyme immunoassay and are limited by subjective interpretation. This product, with the enhanced sensitivity of chemiluminescence immunoassay, permits the detection of subclinical levels of antibodies to TPO. In addition, the results are quantitated by a Luminometer, which eliminates subjective interpretation.