Mycoplasma contamination in cell culture is a common phenomenon in research laboratories due to the difficulty of detecting mycoplasma microscopically. Using PCRprimers elucidated from the conserved mycoplasma 16s rRNA for fast detection had been promoted about 20 years ago. Ever since, the PCRmethod is adopted by most laboratories as their routine safeguard measure due to it sensitivity and quickness. This kit uses PCRprimers elucidated from mycoplasma 16s rRNA to amplify a 475 bp amplicon as positive indication of mycoplasma presence. The primers were validated by comparing the results from thousands of cell samples tested by PCRand Hoechst 33258 mycoplasma staining. Complete correspondence were observed between those two methods to cover mycoplasma strains commonly occurred in cell culture including M. hyorhinis,M.orale M. arginini, M. fermentans, M. hominis, A. laidlawii and M. pneumoniae. Apositive DNAtemplate amplified with amplicon of 700 bp is added as method control for each sample to ensure no false negative readout. Our Mycoplasma PCRDetection Kitoffers a rapid, accurate and sensitive method to detect as low as single digit copies of mycoplasma presence.
-20°C, 1 year. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles decrease detection sensitivity, it is advised to aliquot the reagent according to usage at the first use.