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Shenzhen Hupharma Industry

China, Manufacturer, Hits: 323, Updated:10/16/2020
13544555844  /  
guangdongshen shenzhenshi | 518000
Company Profile
our company is leading supplier of finished steroid oils,tabs,steroid raws, sarm powders , hgh, hcg and peptides from China more than 5 years, who offer only good quality products with safe delivery , and we are professional in USA Domestic shipping service for 2 years .

For finished steroid oils , tabs & hcg ,we only supply USA domestic shipping service .

For steroid raws, sarm powders , hgh and peptides , we only supply USA real domestic shipping service and china shipping service .

Recently , most china sources claim them do USA domestic shipping, but its not! , they offer some tracking numbers to check to cheat many USA customers , actually they are still directly from china , but the tracking number has not show .

USA real domestic shipping time is only about 1-4 days , and the tracking number will be online within 24hours after your payment , and the tracking number will move within one day after it is online . We can supply these real USA domestic service , no international, no customs issue
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